Michael and Bow's Wedding
Sunday, August 26, 2012
4501 days ago!

RSVP Online!
Please complete the information in this form and type the text code that identifies you as a human (to help us avoid spam), then click the Submit button. Thank you for RSVP'ing online!

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Who Are You?

How Many?
# Attending  

Notes/Questions (i.e., dietary restrictions?)

Send Us Your RSVP!


Note: this form has been tested in Firefox 12.0, Chrome 19.0, and Internet Explorer 8 under 64-bit Windows 7, as well as Safari browser in iOS 5.1.1 on an iPad 2. If you encounter any problems, please e-mail the groom. Successful form submission will result in a confirmation page. If you do not see a confirmation page, your RSVP has not been recorded!